Employees of the department in the department of surgery is urgent and planned medical care for patients.
Abdominal surgery:
Peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum (resection of stomach, pyloroplasty, duodenoplasty, gastrectomy – during malignancy of ulcer).
Gallstone disease (cholecystectomy, choledochotomy).
Hernias of anterior abdominal wall.
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Hirschsprung’s disease.
Intestinal fistulas (application or liquidation).
Gastrostomy (application or elimination).
Urakhus (liquidation of the urahus)
Adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity (Nobel operation).
Thoracic Surgery:
Diaphragmatic hernia.
Cardiospasm (cardio-dilatation)
Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm (fundoplication)
Cystic lung formations, sequestration of the lobe of the lung (lobectomy)
Vascular Surgery:
Obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, peripheral vascular atherosclerosis.
Varicose disease of the lower extremities (sclerosing therapy, phlebectomy).
Lymphedema, postthrombophlebitic syndrome
Surgical parasitic diseases:
Echinococcosis and alveococcosis of the liver, lungs, abdominal and pleural cavity (echinococcectomy).
Minor surgery:
Benign tumors of soft tissues (lipomas, atheromas).
Ingrown nail.
Thoracocentesis and laparocentesis.
Dropsy testis, varicocele.
Puncture of the pericardium.
Surgical infection:
Purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, including against diabetes mellitus (carbuncles, furuncles, erysipelas, abscesses and phlegmon).
Syndrome of diabetic foot (angiopathy, neuropathy).
Purulent-inflammatory diseases of different localization (mastitis, paraproctitis, adenophlegmon, hydradenitis, pararectal fistula), wound infection
Purulent-inflammatory diseases of fingers and hands.
Bedsores, trophic ulcers.
Purulent arthritis, bursitis, synovitis
Rectovaginal fistulas (plastic elimination of a defect).
New !!!
Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery:
Abdominoplasty or abdominal plastic (creating a flat and beautiful abdomen).
Blepharoplasty (eyelid plastic). Otoplasty (correction of the ears).
Breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty).
Breast lift.
Contour Torsooplasty (surgical correction of the contours of the waist, hips, buttocks, shoulders, hips and shins).
URGENT SURGERY (for dislocation)
– acute appendicitis.
Acute cholecystitis.
Acute pancreatitis.
Acute intestinal obstruction.
– Complications of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum (perforation, bleeding).
– thrombosis of mesenteric vessels.
– Injured ventral hernias (inguinal, umbilical, postoperative, femoral, spigel lines, triangles of Petit).
– strangulated diaphragmatic hernia.
– all kinds of peritonitis.
– bleeding from varicose dilated esophagus veins (Papio operation).
– Acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins.
– all kinds of wounds of the abdomen, breast and soft tissues.
– foreign bodies of soft tissues (removal).
– closed and open soft tissue injuries.
– closed and open injuries of the thoracic and abdominal organs.